Stuudje’s Marketplace
At Stuudje we understand how hard it can be to find all the right study materials, books, summaries, useful links, and more. We believe no pupil or student should go through their school life wasting loads of time on the search for the right materials. That’s why we created Stuudje.
Download Stuudje now, so you can put an end to the endless search for the right study materials, books, summaries and find everything in one place.
Stuudje offers a varied Marketplace where supply and demand meet easily. Find what you’re looking for or offer what you don’t use anymore in Stuudje’s Marketplace.
Buy, Sell, Borrow, or Lend Out Products
Buy or borrow what you’re looking for. Do you have books that you do not use anymore, did you write a good summary, or do you have old study resources? Sell or lend them out in Stuudje’s Marketplace.
To make the quest or offering of your product easier, we divided the products into four categories: Books, Study Resources, Summaries, and Other Products.
Buy and Sell Services
Apart from buying, selling, borrowing, and lending out products, it is also possible to buy and sell services. Are you having trouble with a subject? Do you need a coach to better your reading skills? Find what you’re looking for in Stuudje’s Marketplace.
Do you want to offer your services to other students? Make yourself available in Stuudje’s Marketplace.
To make the quest or offering of your services easier, we divided the services into three categories: Coaching/Tutoring, Training in Exams, and Other Services.
Also check out Stuudje’s Communities